The Bacheliers
In January of 2010, a devastating earthquake radically changed the lives of thousands already living in the “poorest” nation in the Western Hemisphere. Little did we know, that same earthquake would also change our lives. Our Haiti journey begins there.
As a family of three, missions was something we chose to make a part of our lives when Tanner was just two. Gaston and I, along with our little blonde-headed, blue-eyed toddler, took our first short term trip to Mexico. God sealed in our hearts a desire to serve Him and to share His son with whomever we could. God changed our perspective on how we should live.
However, we had no desire and had never even spoke about packing up our clothes, shoes, and basic essentials, leaving all that felt safe and secure behind, and moving to a Third World country. God, though, had been preparing us. He knew way before we did that Haiti would become our home.
Here we are almost seven years later, now a family of fourteen, living out this Haiti life. Our hearts desire is still to share Jesus with whomever we can. We don’t always get it right, but we choose to press on toward the goal and run this race!
In Him,
The Bachelier Family
Our Story
These are a few of the things we have going on within our community.
children’s church.
On Sunday mornings, children from all over our neighborhood come to our house to sing, dance, giggle, and learn about Jesus. Children who normally would not step inside a church, are invited to come just as they are. They are often the kids that have huge daily struggles. Many don’t go to school, but for a moment on Sundays, they get to be just kids.
women’s club.
The women who started coming to this outreach program from the beginning decided they wanted to call it their “club”. This is a safe place where there is no judgement…where there are no bad questions about God…where they are free to question what they’ve heard about the Bible…where they get a break from their lives…where we get to mutually teach each other about life. We even have cooking lessons! Old and young, sharing in life together.
artisan program.
This is a work in progress…a dream that is slowly coming to fruition. We desire to see single moms, widows, and the disadvantaged have opportunities opened up to them through job creation. We pray they would come to see how God has created each one of them with a purpose and as creative beings with the ability to sustain their families with their own hands. Be on the lookout for more information as this program is being developed. We are excited to watch it grow!
Since our ministry began in Port de Paix, we have been investing in a small rural community outside of town called Baudin. Once again, it's all about relationships...conversations about Jesus that happen while just hanging out. We also have occasional programs like VBS and youth events for the kids, or an agricultural seminar for the local farmers. It's about meeting people where they are and applying it to a life made more complete with Jesus.